fouls up my records and sometimes has caused delays and misunderstandings. On the other hand sometimes envelopes have just been sent to Fran only for her to discover that it contained orders for Chevalier which then have to be returned necessitating more delays and postal expense. So please remember that although I am the Pres. of the Foundation and FPE, Fran, bless her little pink heart, is the functional head of it and I let her handle its details and prob- lems. Chevalier is a big pile of work and detail and getting bigger all the time and it is all I can do even with Mary's assistance to stay ahead of that. So please help out by minimizing the unnecessary work that you pile on both Fran and myself.
V. MONEY ORDERS: For some reason some of you evident- ly think that a separate money order is necessary for each item purchased. It is not. One will cover the who order so dont waste your money buying 2 MOs. when one will do.
VI. OUR ADVERTIZERS: Those individuals and stores that advertise in TVia deserve your patronage. They are sympathetic to TVs or they wouldnt be advertis- ing in TVia. Please mention the mag. when you call or visit them both so that they will know that the ad paid off and because it will serve to tip them off about yourself and enable them to serve you with more understanding. Several new advertisers discov- ered TVia as a result of my appearance on the Alan Burke show in New York. As a service to others in your neighborhood why dont you ask those stores that you have found understanding if they would like to be listed. I plan to make up a page or two of just short listings for all of the kinds of goods and ser- vices TVs need for both direct and mail order. So do your bit by "selling" your friendly stores on the idea. Cost: $7.50 per issue for four or six lines de- pending on space available. Larger ads are $40, $20, and $10 for full, or page ads respectively. In- creased advertising means more sources for everybody where they can be served with understanding and res- pect, but I cant find them, you will have to.